The Dharma Bum

I used to keep a journal. Meditate three hours a day. Climb on my days off. I'm the same guy. Just older and more in debt.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Would You Trust Me?

You know you're putting your faith in the energies of the planet when you put your newborn in the hands of this little guy! "Trust me, I'm Batman."

That seems to be the theme of life these days, putting our faith into the planet. You might call it God. Whatever. It's the same thing when you get right down to it. We left behind the world's greatest neighborhood, good jobs, fair warnings from more than a few, and a beautiful house that nearly doubled in value in just over five years, just to come live in the White Mountains, to spend our days where our hearts are.

Things didn't go too well right from the beginning. Dad died. Jeff died. Little Batman hated things up here, missing all his friends and North Street. Money was tight. It seemed liked we'd made the biggest fuck-up of our lives and that we were living it out in slow motion, watching the skyscraper fall over frame by painstaking frame.

But, things seem to be working out, slowly coming into focus. I have some irons in the fire, potential television programming deals that may just work out. My wife has a job lined up for her in a private practice for when she May of 2007! The boys are loving life up here, learning to climb and swim, hiking, skiing, living closer to nature and the outdoors. Everything seems good. Even the tough stuff.

Raking up the last of the leaves in our back yard this weekend K and I talked about how things are coming 'round for us. We'd put our trust in the planet, knowing that if we moved to this place where our hearts' song was that it'd all be alright. Resting my elbow on the top of the rake I looked out at the mountain right behind our back yard, made more visible now that the leaves have fallen.

Having put so much at risk - at least that's how some people look at it - we marvel that people can live their whole lives always dreaming, wishing they could be, do or live in someplace other than where they are.

Well, it begs the Big Question of life: Would you trust me?

Go ahead, take the jump! There's a pile of pillows at the bottom of the stairs!


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