The Dharma Bum

I used to keep a journal. Meditate three hours a day. Climb on my days off. I'm the same guy. Just older and more in debt.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Five Greatest Rock Songs

Today, I was thinking of posting one of the most poignant poems ever written, penned by my brother a short time before he committed suicide last February. However, a spellbindly beautiful mountain run up Black Cap this morning revealed to me all the beauty of nature: cold, clear, alone and silent. The alpenglow view of Mt. Washington, and my fresh footprints in the virgin snow, inspired me enough to change my mind. Jeff's poem should (will) be posted on a day when I'm feeling depressed, and really miss him badly. This could be sooner than later: Seasonal Affective Disorder is rampant about this time up here in New Hampshire.

So, let's rock! I perused one of my favorite blogs today: Uplifting Like An 8mm Porno ( He posted something about the 'ten favorite albums you never bought'. Seeing that my brother and I spent countless hours debating a similar topic, and that his poem had been upstaged by my bluebird run, it seems fitting to give you my list.

Keep in mind, I always write the list in pencil. It changes frequently...sometimes after hearing a great tune during a late-night road trip.

Rules (for this list, at least. Make your own list with your own rules.): 1. Song had to be written or recorded in 60's or 70's. 2. An early 80's tune will be considered. 3. Absolutely no Freebird, Stairway To Heaven-type anthems allowed. 4. The song has to Rock...blues or mellow ballads belong on another list. 5. Since my brother is gone I have final say and complete control over all amendments to this list.

Let's get to it!

The Five Greatest Rock Songs Of All Time

1. All Along The Watchtower - Hendrix (Also best cover tune of all time.)
2. Layla - Derek and the Dominoes
3. Gimme Shelter - Stones
4. Won't Get Fooled Again - Who
5. Roundabout - Yes

Honorable mentions:
Revolution - Beatles
Like A Rolling Stone - Dylan (kudos to him for writing Watchtower)

Weigh in.

Peace out,
Dharma Bum


At 2:57 PM, Blogger Andrew McFerrin said...

A few more great rock songs that might've slipped under the radar:

The MC5 - 'Kick Out the Jams':
These fellas weren't so much skilled musicians as they were exuberant ones. What they lack in proficiency they make up for in energy. This song, properly broadcast, could start a riot. It certainly started the punk movement.

Dick Dale - 'Misirlou':
How many guitarists alive right now can claim Jimi Hendrix a fan? There may be more than one, but Dick Dale would blow them away. This tune from 1962 combines Greek and Latin influences, while rocking like nothing before or since. With 'Misirlou', Dale invented surf music - and, by extension, heavy metal.

The Beatles - 'I Am the Walrus':
I was the only kid on my block who knew all the words to 'Nowhere Man', as I spent hours listening to my dad's old 45 singles as a kid (think age 6 - by which time Mr. Lennon was already gone). 'Hello, Goodbye' was my favorite song at the time, so it wasn't until I revisited those platters in my teens that I got around to turning the record over. What a delightful surprise - it sounded like the end of the freaking world!


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